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Add or Drop a Course

Students are able to make adjustments to their course schedules during the Add/Drop period at the start of every semester (consult Trinity’s Academic Calendar for semester-specific dates). Courses dropped during this time do not appear on a student’s transcript.

Declare a Major or Minor

Trinity students have until the second semester of their sophomore year (58 completed hours) to make a final decision on major.


Transfer External Credit

External Credit can take many shapes, from AP/IB placement tests, to Dual Credit courses, to transfer credits from another institution, to courses completed while participating in a study abroad program. 


  • Transfer Credits: Considering taking a course during the summer to meet a Trinity requirement? You’ll need to get approval ahead of time. Consult with your academic adviser as early as possible so that you may prepare and submit the required Transfer Credit Approval form for review. To transfer courses and count them towards curriculum requirements, you will need to submit the Core Capacities Transfer Credit Approval form.
  • Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate (IB) Credits: Curious about whether your AP/IB score is credit bearing at Trinity? Check out our helpful guide with a list of accepted exams scores!
  • Study Abroad Credits: Interested in studying abroad and wondering how or if your credits might transfer in to meet your specific Pathways or Degree Requirements? Consult with your academic adviser for an updated degree checklist first, and then schedule a time to meet with Study Abroad. Tip:  You’ll want to complete the “First Steps Presentation” before you schedule your appointment with the Study Abroad Office.
  • Request to Remove External Credit: Do you have credit for a course you want to repeat and complete at Trinity? Consult with your academic adviser first to determine whether to request credit removal. Once you remove credit, you can not change your mind.  So consider all options and determine what makes the most sense for you and your program of study.

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From a Course 

Students wishing to withdraw from an individual course after the Add/Drop period may do so by completing the Course Withdrawal form. With the approval of their academic adviser and the faculty teaching the course, students may withdraw from an individual course and receive an automatic “W” on their official transcript. Students are always encouraged to consult with their financial aid adviser as well to fully understand how their financial aid may be impacted by their course withdrawal. 

If withdrawing from an individual course brings a student below 12 hours for the semester, here are some other things to consider:

  1. Are they an international student? If yes, the student is required to consult with International Student & Scholar Services to understand how their F-1 status may be impacted.  
  2. Are they a student athlete? If yes, the student should contact Julie Jenkins in Athletics to understand how their eligibility may be impacted


From the University

Should a student determine that it is best for them to take a temporary break, they may request to withdraw temporarily from Trinity by completing and submitting the Temporary Withdrawal form to the Office of the Registrar. Students are encouraged to work closely with their academic adviser to discuss the process and to plan accordingly for future semesters. 

Students who have determined that they no longer wish to pursue their studies at Trinity are required to complete and submit the Complete Withdrawal Application.




Courses of Study Bulletin

Degree requirements, academic policies, and academic majors and minors at Trinity University.

cosb.zzphomme.net →


Pathways Curriculum

Curricular requirements and optional elements for undergraduate students.

Explore Pathways


Academic Support

Programs and services to enhance student learning and personal and academic development.

Support and Services