• 希瑟·海恩斯·史密斯博士.D. 是土生土长的德克萨斯人吗. She has worked as an elementary teacher, K-12扫盲教练, state level reading technical assistance specialist, reading and teacher preparation program coordinator on research and dissemination grants at The University of Texas, Vaughn Gross Center for Reading and Language Arts, and was a doctoral fellow at The University of Kansas, 海滩残疾人士中心.

    • Ph.D.美国堪萨斯大学
    • 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏硕士 
    • B.A.澳门金沙赌城线上游戏
    • National Society for Experiential 教育, Experiential 教育 Academy Graduate 
    • 史密斯,H. H., & 詹姆斯,年代. (2020年出版). Moving forward: Using reflection to plan how to address literacy instruction in your classroom. 在米. Hougen & S. Smartt (Eds.), The Fundamentals of Literacy Instruction and Assessment, K-6 (Second Edition). 巴尔的摩,马里兰州:布鲁克斯. 
    • Elford, M. D., 史密斯,H. H., & 詹姆斯,年代. (2020年,合同期内). GET 反馈: Giving, exhibiting, and teaching 反馈 in special education teacher preparation. New Jersey: SLACK, Incorporated. 
    • 史密斯,H. H. (2018). Service-learning field experience with students with exceptionalities: A commitment to inclusion in general education teacher preparation (pp.182-202). 在Eds. T. Meidl & 道威尔米. S. (Eds.) Handbook of 研究 on Service-learning Initiatives in Teacher 教育 Programs. IGI全球.
    • 史密斯,H. H.克里姆,C. L., b, S. (2018). Educator perceptions of a school-wide writing intervention implementation: Implications for practice. 预防学业失败. http://doi.org/10.1080/1045988X.2018.1456401
    • Darst C., 史密斯,H. H., & 彭伯顿J. (2018). Response to intervention and the impact on eligibility for special education services in Texas. Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly: Special Issue on Special 教育.
    • 史密斯,H. H.桑切斯,A.彼得森-艾哈迈德,M.伍德伯里,C., & 一、B. B. (2018) Using Learning Express-Ways in special education teacher preparation: Developing student-faculty relationships as a path to partnership. Journal of Special 教育 Apprenticeship.
    • 琼斯,B., 史密斯,H. H.亨斯利-马洛尼,L., & Gansle K. A. (2015). 应用ing response to intervention to identify learning disabilities in students with visual impairments. Intervention in School and Clinic, 51(1), 28-36.

    Smith’s scholarship is focused on student supports, systems level instructional design, and the preparation of inclusive educators. 她的研究兴趣, 更具体地说, are on the integration of academic and behavioral supports including response to intervention (RTI) and multi-tiered systems of supports (MTSS), social and emotional learning, disability studies in education, 包容性的教育, general education and special education collaboration, 学校改革, 社会正义, 从实践经验中学习, 的服务培训, 社区伙伴关系, 反馈, and inclusive teacher preparation. 

    Smith is a faculty lead on the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Empatico grant, providing technical assistance to educators implementing Empatico in district in Bexar County. She is also coordinates the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Department of 教育 participation in the Learning Policy Institute’s EdPrepLab Inquiry Group Grant with University of Colorado, Denver and University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill focused on Deeper Learning in Teacher 教育.

    • Understanding Learners with Exceptionalities in School and Society 
    • 学习障碍 & 行为障碍 
    • Reading Difficulties with Diverse Populations
    • 2019 United Way Volunteer of the Year Award, Inaugural Higher 教育 Impact Award Nominee
    • International Council for 学习障碍, 秘书, Executive Committee and Board of Trustees 
    • Journal of Special 教育 Apprenticeship Editorial Board Member 
    • Rural Special 教育 Quarterly Editorial Board Member 
    • Texas Higher 教育 Collaborative, Coordination and Participant 
    • The United Way of 圣安东尼奥 Successful 学生 Impact Council 
    • SA Reads,董事会成员 
    • The Winston School of 圣安东尼奥, Medical Scientific Advisory Council 
    • Mahncke Park Community Garden, Treasurer 
    • Junior League of 圣安东尼奥, Sustaining Member